The ground floor of building J has been renovated.

In the framework of the Project of Competence Center (2019-1.3.1-KK-2019-00004), the ground floor and foreground of the building J were renovated, through the cooperation of the Project of Autonomous National Laboratory, the KJK dean’s office and the BME Chancellery. The workspace created in cooperation between Robert Bosch Ltd. and BME provides space for two meeting rooms, named after two Professors Pál Michelberger and Aurél Jurek, in addition to the Innovative Vehicle Technologies Research Group. The 21st-century workspaces enable more efficient work not only for the teaching researchers but also for the students involved in the developments.

Telex cikk

About the national fuel situation

In addition to the research on advanced fuels in the Innovative Mobility project, departmental colleagues are also involved in assessing and communicating the current fuel situation. Our colleague Máté Zöldy gave an interview  to Telex.


The original article can be found on the Department of Automotive Technology website.

BME választható tárgyak

New course starts: Noise, Vibration and Harshness of Vehicles

New course for those who interested in vehicles!
Get involved in noise and vibration research, one of the most innovative sectors of vehicle technology!
Take part in the lectures, learn the theory, measure and calculate in the practical lessons, and get involved in our research with our industrial partners!


With the spread of electromobility, the sounds and vibrations produced by vehicles are also changing, which poses new challenges for car manufacturers and suppliers. Within the framework of the course, in cooperation with our industrial partners Bosch, Rotec, and Audi, the basics of NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness), acoustics, vibration, and vehicle comfort are introduced.

With modern instruments and a wide range of tools, we present the basic measurements in the labs and explain the background of the numerical tasks of the topic.

During the course completion, it is possible to get involved in research in the department to prepare scientific articles or a diploma thesis in cooperation with our industrial partners.

According to the curriculum, the course is concluded at the end of the semester with a practical mark. It is determined based on participation in the measurement exercises, reports, and two exams.

BMEKOGG8510 – Analyzation of vehicle’s noise and vibration

Apply today!

Telex megjelenés

Will diesel made from vegetable oil bring a change for the automotive industry?

In an interview with Telex, Dr. Máté Zöldy talks about advanced fuels and related research at the University of Technology.

The original article can be found on the Department of Department of Automotive Technology website.